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Wednesday, November 21, 2007

roger cañete

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

roger cañete

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"If you cannot inspire a woman with love of you, fill her above the brim with love of herself; all that runs over will be yours."

..........my world...............

January 4, 2008
Cancer (Jun 22 - Jul 22)[?]
The Bottom Line
Some kids in your crew may not feel like coming out tonight -- respect their choice.
In Detail
Everyone's social energies are all over the place right now, so do not expect everybody to have the same idea about what to do tonight. While some people will be dying to paint the town red, some folks in your crew may not feel like coming out -- it's best to let everyone do their own thing. There is no point in trying to get the homebodies out on the dance floor. They'll only be miserable and might even resent others for not respecting their preferences.

You’re in the Great Company of These Famous Cancerians:

Phyllis Diller, Ernest Hemingway, Ringo Starr, John Glenn, Diahann Carroll, Merv Griffin, Julius Caesar, Nelson Rockefeller, Van Cliburn, Louis Armstrong, Paul Anka, Marc Chagall, Franz Kafka, Helen Keller, Julie Nixon Eisenhower, Robin Williams, Dalai Lama XIV, Nelson Mandela, Prince William, Duke of Windsor, Princess Diana , George Orwell, Hermann Hesse, Pierre Cardin, Tom Cruise, Tom Hanks, Henry Thoreau, Bill Cosby, Ingmar Bergman, Donald Sutherland, Cat Stevens/Yusuf Islam।

To help in your own achievements imagine being one of the above famous Cancerians in various situations you find difficult। How would you JAZZ-up a certain scenario if you were a Louis Armstrong or how would an Ernest Hemingway come up with the right words just when you need them? This is a metaphysical way to call upon psychic Cancerian Oomph when you need it.

Aspire is the theme for Cancer in 2008. Every which way you choose - you will achieve what you aspire to. This is the year for you to reach out further than you have before. Aim higher, push harder, and achieve more of what you want. You will find there are more ways to chosen outcomes than you expect. That’s right, you will have plenty of options. All you need is the drive. Oh, and you have to choose your destinations. And one other important aspect is that you will not run out of steam. You will have the power to endure so aspire to great heights. Don’t be short sighted go for the long haul.

Your Cancer Horoscope for Love: The higher your self esteem the more desirable a partner you will attract। Build your relationship with Self first and then allow a like-minded partner to connect with you. Have a benchmark and don’t lower it for anyone. Already have that ideal lover? Great, together you can aspire to a richer and more rewarding love together than ever before. What would you want your relationship to look like if you had the choice to improve? Think about it, and then just do it!

Your Cancer Horoscope for Life Pathin 2008: Use this year to sort out your wishes and regrets। Release those old regrets and then embrace fully your new dreams। Hold the visions of success in your mind and you will realize those dreams in reality.


MY WORLD .. .. .. .. .........


So great has been the endurance, so incredible the achievement, that, as long as the sun keeps a set course in heaven, it would be foolish to despair of the human race.

MY WORLD ....... . . . . ........

Snake's Yearly Horoscope
Snake Ratings

69% (10 favorable, 1 neutral and 1 unfavorable month)

This year promises to be a vast improvement over the last one। You are likely, for example, to experience exciting mental stimulation. If you use your brains you can produce some very good results in most areas of your life. Almost every month will provide opportunities, although you might want to take it easy right after the Chinese New Year. Next year should be even better, so you should take time to make plans and begin projects to be completed then.

Snake Career

The fast paced energy given off by the year of the Rat creates a dynamic career environment for the Snake। This spark of energy could inspire the Snake with new and creative ideas resulting in many opportunities. However, in order to take advantage of such opportunities, you may have to take some quick and decisive action. If you are bored with your present work situation, this is a good time to seek greener pastures.

Snake Relationships

The good vibrations that the year of the Rat gave off to your career sector should overflow into your relationships। Your most memorable moments this year will be the intimate ones shared with family and friends. An active social life should be fueled by the almost endless energy of the fast-talking and highly social Rat year. Single Snakes have a wonderful chance to find love and romance, or maybe just one great fling.

Snake Health।

All the energy spent in your career and relationships could have a negative impact on your health। Your best bet to stay healthy could be to get in plenty of exercise and engage in some of your favorite leisure activities. You may also be able to further reduce your stress levels and increase your health levels if you are a little bit less secretative with your family members and friends.

Snake Wealth।

Your finances seem to be on track to make some healthy improvements. If you have suffered some financial setbacks, you may be able to make a monetary comeback of sorts in the year of the ever-resourceful Rat. Attempt to steer well clear of expensive purchases, especially impulse buys. You will most likely suffer from buyers remorse right after making a large purchase. Under the Earth element, conservative investments may show some profits.

MY WORLD... . . . . . . . . .

So great has been the endurance, so incredible the achievement, that, as long as the sun keeps a set course in heaven, it would be foolish to despair of the human race.

............ITS TO FUN TO BE WITH............

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The World Is My Desktop
By Daniel Jacob

One powerful vision that came through from The Reconnections recently was the realization that it is my own perception of the world that creates the "desktop" that I have on my Limitation PC (Perceptual Construct). Just like on a personal computer, I can and do arrange my images and symbols exactly the way I want them to be. I send various icons to the "recycle bin," I minimize others, and I maximize those portals that take me to realities that excite and edify me the most.
Humanity did not invent computers from nothing. We actually remembered them from our sensing of how our own consciousness operates. The Reconnections represent all those parts of our Expanded Self that we had to forget about to become human. They are a Conscious Collective that has volunteered at this time to serve a kind of "search engine" into the archives of humanity, as we go through these crucial years of physical and planetary transformation.
In one transmission, entitled "What's Ahead for the Planet Earth?"......the Guides tell us that there is no one "objective" reality that makes up our planet's future. In truth, there is a whole spreadsheet full of them! Our planet is very much like Grand Central Station at this time. There are many "trains" coming and going at every moment of the day. Each of us buys a "ticket" for whatever Earth Train we wish to board. We pay for our passage with our personal belief and focus of awareness........the only true currency of the Multiverse.

So much of our time is preparation, so much is routine, and so much retrospect, that the path of each man's genius contracts itself to a very few hours.

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